How can Acupuncture Therapy help you live a Healthy, Painless Life?

Acupuncture therapy in Edmonton

Acupuncture is inserting thin needles at different spots of the human body at strategic points and at varying depths to stimulate sensory nerves in the skin and muscles. The goal of Acupuncture is to treat pain and balance the forces of life that cause health concerns.

Disorders Clinical Acupuncture Treat

The primary focus of Acupuncture is to cure pain and discomfort caused by health issues such as

-> Dental pain

-> Fibromyalgia

-> Headaches

-> Pain and discomfort due to Chemotherapy

-> Neck pain

-> Lower back pain

-> Osteoarthritis

-> Labor pain

-> Tennis elbow

-> Menstrual cramps

-> Insomnia

How will it help you?

To understand the process of clinical Acupuncture, we have to trace its root back to ancient China. The Chinese believed in a life force that flows through meridians or channels through the body. These energy channels are stimulated by inserting thin needles through 361 acupuncture points in the human body. Appropriate insertion of needles can render the desired balance for leading a healthy life.

Scientific studies have proved that most acupuncture points were at certain areas of the body that can affect the activity of multiple sensory neurons. These spots in the human body are also known as receptive fields.

Thus, inserting needles in a specific manner through these receptive fields can affect muscle pain and increase blood circulation in the affected body areas.

Moreover, Acupuncture has proved beneficial for those suffering from chronic pain and provides long-term pain relief.

Different types of Acupuncture therapy in Edmonton:

There are different types of Acupuncture involving different methodologies providing respite to different kinds of pain and discomfort. They are

  1. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
  2. Japanese Acupuncture
  3. Korean Hand Therapy
  4. Scalp Acupuncture
  5. Moxibustion Acupuncture
  6. Cupping Acupuncture
  7. Electroacupuncture

What is an Acupuncture Therapy session like?

The first phase of the treatment will involve a complete assessment of your health and medical records. Acupuncture therapists at Millwoods Physical Therapy Centre follow this standard practice to give the best Acupuncture therapy.

During the therapy, you will be asked to sit or lie down. The therapist will use a one-time usable, disposable, and sterile needle. This standard practice is also followed by therapists at our centre. We recommend that you ensure that this practice is followed by your therapist.

You may feel a slight sting on inserting the needle and experience an ache at the base of the needle.

Ideally, the needles will remain inserted for around 20-60 minutes, depending on your condition and the severity of pain or discomfort.

Your therapist can also apply heat to the needles after insertion.

The number of acupuncture sessions you require will depend on your condition. If you are suffering from chronic pain, you will need 1-2 sessions per week for 3-6 months. However, your acute pain can be resolved after 8-12 sessions.

Bottom Line

Acupuncture is a complementary treatment, so before you start seeing an acupuncturist, we recommend you consult your physician for appropriate treatment.

Acupuncture has proved to be very effective in treating chronic pain with little to no side effects.

If your life has become a nightmare because of severe pain and discomfort, consult with licensed Acupuncturists at Millwood Physical Therapy Centre.

Acupuncture therapy in Edmonton | Acupuncture therapy in Edmonton