Balance & Gait Problems have various reasons for inception and it arises when the vestibular system, which controls our very balanced, gets compromised. Also, underlying issues of the musculoskeletal system, as well as various neurological issues, can cause them
Hemiplegic Gait – Balance disorder that affects only one side of body.
Diplegic Gait – Balance disorder that affects both sides of the body.
Neuropathic Gait – Also known as Foot Drop; in this disorder, one of the feet flops down and hence the patient has to walk by holding the knee high to avoid dragging of toes.
Myopathic Gait – Or Waddling Gait, this condition makes the patient waddle side-wise due to pelvic weakness.
Ataxic Gait – This disorder makes the patient stagger while walking & he or she cannot move in a straight line.
Parkinsonian Gait – In this disorder, the patient stoops forward with the neck and back bent. They usually can only take smaller strides.
Balance and gait Disorders Our certified physiotherapists at the Millwoods Physical Therapy Centre provide customised physiotherapy plans that assist in keeping the patients steady. Once the patient arrives at our centre for initial evaluation, our healthcare professionals examine the gait conditions, symptoms, medical history and stance before recommending the treatment methods and exercises, some of which may include:
Balance And Gait Disorders
Vestibular Rehabilitation – This treatment improves the condition of the vestibular system, muscles, nerves and vision for maintaining a steady and strong balance.
Stretching For Flexibility – Millwoods’s physiotherapists conduct stretching and flexing exercises for strengthening muscles which eliminate stiffness.
Strengthening Exercises – Strengthening exercises at Millwoods will provide the patients with the required strength for responding to the rehabilitation technics to gain the ability of free movement.
Gait Retraining – Gait restraining exercises in our custom physiotherapy programs is helpful in correcting the postures and stances that are affected due to the illness.
Don’t delay and enrol into Millwood’s customised Physiotherapy plans for faster & effective recovery.
Call 780 440 9003 for tele-appointment or click here for online appointment.
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