Rebuild, Restore, Revive: Physiotherapy's magic touch brings movement to life.

Keep Moving Ahead In Unhindered Flexibility With Millwoods Neurological Physiotherapy in Edmonton

Physiotherapy for neurological conditions or Neuro physio therapy service is provided to patients who require to restore free movement of joints, muscles, tendons & motor skills. As the therapy keeps the body active, the muscles & joints become flexible, thus ruling out the possibility of deteriorating functionality.

Millwoods’s Neurological Physiotherapy in Edmonton Therapy Treats

  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Traumatic Head or Brain Injury
  • Strokes
  • Guillotine-Barre Syndrome
  • Neuropathy
  • Parkinson’s

Neurological physiotherapy in Edmonton

A Credible Centre For Neuro-Restorative Therapy Program For The Long-Term

Our rehabilitation physiotherapy programs for neuro patients aim to meet their unique healing needs for maximizing independence and functionality. Not only housing some of the most talented physiotherapists in the area but Millwoods also is empowered with innovative devices and tools that make the healing journey comfortable and pain-free, assuring an independent post-therapy life

  • One-on-One Therapy based on the patient’s
  • Evidenced-based approaches in Neurological physiotherapy that meet exclusive patient goals, abilities and needs
  • Therapy conducted in private rooms as well as gyms, based on the type of issue
  • An array of medical insurance and health plans that cover the expenses of your opted therapy package
  • No mandatory requisites of doctor referral
  • Backed by inviting and modern infrastructure with experienced hands-on technic for speedy healing

Don’t delay and enroll into Millwood’s customized Physiotherapy plans for faster & effective healing.

Neurological physiotherapy in Edmonton 

Start Healing With Physiotherapy Today

Call 780 440 9003 for tele-appointment or click here for online appointment.

Our Locations

4225 23 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6L 5Z8

Phone Number: (780) 440-9003
Fax : (780) 466-9058

8313 Chappelle Way SW
Edmonton AB T6W 4S1

Phone Number: (780) 710-4950
Fax : (780) 710-4951

2049 – 163St SW
Edmonton, AB T6W 4V5

Phone Number: (780) 250-4950
Fax : (780) 250-4951