5 Ways to Manage Chronic Pain Without Medication

Chronic Pain Management in Edmonton

Chronic Pain Without Medication:

Chronic pain is one of the adults’ most prevalent causes of pain, discomfort, and inactivity. 80% of high-impact chronic pain patients are incapable of working outside their homes. Your doctor often recommends medication, but it only acts as a pain reliever. Besides having adverse medical effects, these pain relievers cannot completely cure chronic pain. An effective alternative pain management strategy is regular exercise.

Here in this informative, we will discuss about 5 effective ways to manage chronic pain without medication or invasive surgical procedures. The suggested techniques employ certain tried and tested movements and systematic exercises that work towards healing your chronic pain.

5 Tips to Chronic Pain Management in Edmonton and live an Active Life:

Working out regularly, especially when performed under the guidance of a skilled physiotherapist, can help you negate the painful condition you are experiencing.

Movements, in general, are exercises. Exercising regularly can be very effective in the alleviation of chronic pain. Targeting the muscle group regularly used for daily activities with exercises can be very beneficial for understanding the areas of your body that need improvement. For Instance, climbing stairs is akin to an aerobic exercise that can require lower body strength. Awareness of pain levels, shortness of breath, or the inability to perform an activity can indicate your problem area and also help in developing a treatment plan.

Integrating activity in a natural way is essential. Strength training, increasing flexibility, and improving aerobic fitness are best for relieving your chronic pain that is too much. Physical therapy and personal training will help you achieve your health and fitness goals effectively and within a short time if you are dedicated to the practices advised by your physiotherapist or health care professional. Here are 5 Tips that will help you combat chronic pain.

5 Tips to Chronic Pain Management in Edmonton Without Medication

  • 1. Take the Stairs in spite of the Elevator- These are small metallic ‘seeds’ that stick to the ear and stimulate specific points on the body.
  • Acupressure: Elevators are convenient and thus do not help in getting rid of Chronic Pain. Climbing stairs lets you combat and reduce Chronic Pain. You should use the railing, which will help you balance and develop the strength needed to perform daily chores. Push through your heels and try to activate the back muscles.
  • 2. Walk as much as possible- In the house or outside, you must cultivate the habit of walking more often to get rid of Chronic Pain. Walking lets you gauge your capability and increase your strength and endurance incrementally.
  • 3. Exercise while watching Television- While engaging in some kind of sedentary activity like watching television, try and do a few static exercises, which do not require any equipment. Working out while watching your favorite show can motivate you to perform exercises or movements well and cure your Chronic Pain.
  • 4. Schedule time for Short Workouts- Studies and research have proved that you can benefit more from short exercise sessions rather than one long session a day. You can plan on exercising 10 minutes of stretching in the morning, followed by a few cardio moves. Repeat the same in the afternoon after lunch. And before going to bed, another 10-minute session of stretching. Breaking up the one long session of exercise into three can benefit chronic pain as the body get the time to recover and engage in daily routine life, and you still have 30 minutes of exercise every day.
  • 5. Walk while talking on the phone- Think about taking a stroll while on the phone, but remember to walk at a fast pace. This can be done while at the home, office, or on a vacation walking and talking can be an effective fitness mantra for Chronic pain patients.
    Talking on the phone can make you forget about your surroundings and help you to reduce stress.

Bottom Line

To improve your Chronic Pain condition, you have to embrace the movement of your body; in short, you have to exercise. Exercises and movements under the guidance of a professional physical therapist or health care provider can alleviate your chronic pain. It is a common misconception that rest will help you recover from your painful condition; rather, spending more time off your feet can be detrimental to chronic pain. Immobility of joints can also lead to conditions like frozen joint syndrome. This also goes without saying that you must not disregard the pain and start pushing through it on your own with intense activity. It is recommendable that you consult a physiotherapist who will reduce the experience of pain and discomfort by educating you on safe activities that will not worsen your condition.

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