Rebuild, Restore, Revive: Physiotherapy's magic touch brings movement to life.

What is Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy? How It Works.

Posted on October 23rd, 2023

Vestibular Rehab therapy in Edmonton

What is Vestibular Rehab therapy in Edmonton:

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a specialized form of physical therapy designed to address vestibular disorders, which affect the inner ear and vestibular system responsible for balance and spatial orientation. VRT aims to alleviate symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, and visual disturbances by promoting central nervous system compensation and adaptation. Here’s how vestibular rehabilitation therapy works:

1. Assessment and Diagnosis:

  • The first step in vestibular rehabilitation therapy is a comprehensive assessment conducted by a qualified healthcare professional, typically a physical therapist specializing in vestibular disorders.
  • During the assessment, the therapist evaluates the patient’s medical history, symptoms, and functional limitations, as well as performs a series of tests to assess balance, gait, coordination, and vestibular function.

2. Individualized Treatment Plan:

  • Based on the assessment findings, the physical therapist develops an individualized treatment plan tailored to the patient’s specific needs and goals.
  • The treatment plan may include a combination of exercises, maneuvers, and strategies aimed at improving balance, reducing dizziness, and enhancing functional abilities.

3. Habituation Exercises:

  • Habituation exercises are a core component of vestibular rehabilitation therapy, particularly for patients experiencing symptoms of dizziness or vertigo triggered by head movements or changes in position.
  • These exercises involve repetitive exposure to movements or positions that provoke symptoms, with the goal of desensitizing the vestibular system and reducing the intensity and frequency of symptoms over time.

4. Gaze Stabilization Exercises:

  • Gaze stabilization exercises focus on improving visual stability and reducing visual disturbances associated with vestibular dysfunction, such as oscillopsia (blurred vision with head movements).
  • These exercises typically involve tracking moving objects or performing head movements while maintaining focus on a stationary target, helping to enhance the coordination between eye movements and head movements.

5. Balance Training:

  • Balance training exercises aim to improve static and dynamic balance, proprioception (awareness of body position in space), and postural control.
  • These exercises may include standing on various surfaces, performing weight shifts, practicing tandem walking, and challenging balance reactions in different positions to enhance stability and confidence during daily activities.

6. Canalith Repositioning Maneuvers:

  • For patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), a common vestibular disorder characterized by brief episodes of vertigo triggered by specific head movements, canalith repositioning maneuvers may be performed.
  • These maneuvers, such as the Epley maneuver or Semont maneuver, aim to reposition displaced calcium carbonate crystals (canaliths) within the inner ear’s semicircular canals, relieving symptoms of vertigo associated with BPPV.

7. Education and Lifestyle Modifications:

  • Throughout vestibular rehabilitation therapy, patients receive education about their condition, triggers for symptoms, and strategies for managing symptoms in daily life.
  • Lifestyle modifications, such as avoiding sudden head movements, maintaining hydration and adequate rest, and minimizing stress, may also be recommended to optimize treatment outcomes and prevent symptom exacerbation.

8. Progress Monitoring and Adjustment:

  • Vestibular Rehab therapy in Edmonton is typically conducted over a series of sessions, during which the patient’s progress is monitored closely, and the treatment plan may be adjusted accordingly based on response to interventions.
  • Regular reassessment allows the therapist to track improvements, address any challenges or setbacks, and ensure that the patient is progressing toward their functional goals effectively.

In summary, Vestibular Rehab therapy in Edmonton is a structured and evidence-based approach to addressing vestibular disorders and associated symptoms. By targeting specific impairments and promoting adaptation and compensation within the vestibular system, VRT helps patients regain balance, reduce dizziness, and improve overall quality of life. If you’re experiencing symptoms of vestibular dysfunction, consider consulting a qualified healthcare professional by calling at 780-440-9003, such as a physical therapist specializing in vestibular rehabilitation, to explore the benefits of VRT for your condition. Book Apartment Today!

Vestibular Rehab therapy in Edmonton

Pre-Surgical Physiotherapy: Your Key to Successful Surgery and Swift Recovery

Posted on September 9th, 2023

Pre-Surgical Physiotherapy in Edmonton

Preparing for surgery can be a nerve-wracking experience. Whether you’re facing a minor procedure or a major operation, one crucial element often overlooked is pre-surgical physiotherapy. Pre-surgical physiotherapy, also known as rehabilitation, is a proactive approach to improving your physical condition before surgery. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of pre-surgical physiotherapy, exploring its benefits, the conditions it addresses, the assessment process, and how it sets the stage for a smoother surgery and a faster, more successful recovery.

Understanding Pre-Surgical Physiotherapy in Edmonton:

What is Pre-Surgical Physiotherapy?

Pre-surgical physiotherapy is a specialized form of rehabilitation that focuses on optimizing an individual’s physical health and functional capacity before they undergo surgery. It is not limited to any specific type of surgery and can benefit patients preparing for a wide range of procedures, from joint replacements to cardiac surgery. The primary goal is to enhance the patient’s overall physical condition, which can lead to improved surgical outcomes and a smoother recovery.

Why is Pre-Surgical Physiotherapy Important?

The benefits of pre-surgical physiotherapy are multifaceted. First and foremost, it helps patients prepare both physically and mentally for the upcoming surgery. By strengthening muscles, improving joint mobility, and enhancing cardiovascular fitness, patients can enter surgery in a better condition, which can lead to shorter hospital stays and reduced postoperative complications. Additionally, pre-surgical physiotherapy can play a significant role in pain management, reducing the need for opioid medications post-surgery.

Conditions That Benefit from Pre-Surgical Physiotherapy

Orthopedic Surgery:

Patients undergoing orthopedic procedures such as knee or hip replacements, spine surgery, or shoulder surgery can benefit immensely from pre-surgical physiotherapy. Rehabilitation helps improve joint function, strengthens surrounding muscles, and enhances mobility, making the postoperative rehabilitation process more effective.

Cardiac Surgery:

For individuals facing cardiac surgery like bypass surgery or valve replacements, pre-surgical physiotherapy can help improve cardiovascular fitness, reduce risk factors, and enhance overall heart health. This preparation can lead to smoother recoveries and improved long-term outcomes.

Cancer Surgery:

Cancer patients undergoing surgery, such as mastectomies or lung resections, can benefit from pre-surgical physiotherapy to maintain physical function, manage pain, and prepare for postoperative challenges like breathing difficulties.

Abdominal and Gastrointestinal Surgery:

Patients facing abdominal or gastrointestinal surgery, such as hernia repairs or colorectal surgery, can benefit from pre-surgical physiotherapy to optimize abdominal muscle function, improve respiratory capacity, and reduce the risk of postoperative complications like pneumonia.

The Pre-Surgical Physiotherapy Assessment Process:

Initial Assessment:

The pre-surgical physiotherapy journey typically begins with an initial assessment conducted by a skilled physiotherapist. During this assessment, the physiotherapist will gather information about your medical history, current physical condition, and any specific surgical considerations. They will also discuss your surgical goals and expectations.

Physical Examination:

The physiotherapist will perform a thorough physical examination, which may include evaluating your joint mobility, muscle strength, posture, and balance. These assessments help identify areas that require improvement and inform the development of a personalized rehabilitation program.

Goal Setting and Program Development:

Based on the assessment findings, the physiotherapist will work with you to establish specific goals for your pre-surgical physiotherapy program. These goals may include improving muscle strength, enhancing cardiovascular fitness, and optimizing joint function. The physiotherapist will then design a tailored exercise and rehabilitation plan to address your unique needs and goals.

Education and Preparation:

Education is a fundamental component of pre-surgical physiotherapy. The physiotherapist will provide you with information about what to expect before, during, and after surgery, as well as strategies for managing pain and optimizing recovery. They may also offer guidance on breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and ways to maintain your physical health leading up to the surgery.

Benefits of Pre-Surgical Physiotherapy in Edmonton:

Enhanced Surgical Outcomes:

One of the primary benefits of pre-surgical physiotherapy is its potential to improve surgical outcomes. By entering surgery in better physical condition, patients are better equipped to withstand the stress of the procedure, potentially reducing complications and the length of hospital stays.

Faster Recovery:

Rehabilitation sets the stage for a swifter postoperative recovery. Patients who have undergone pre-surgical physiotherapy often experience reduced pain and a faster return to their normal daily activities, including work and hobbies.

Reduced Postoperative Complications:

Pre-Surgical Physiotherapy in Edmonton can reduce the risk of postoperative complications such as pneumonia, deep vein thrombosis, and pressure ulcers. It also plays a vital role in helping patients manage postoperative pain more effectively, potentially reducing the need for opioid medications.

 Improved Quality of Life:

By optimizing physical health and function before surgery, rehabilitation can lead to an improved overall quality of life for patients. They can regain their independence faster and experience fewer limitations in their daily activities.


Pre-Surgical Physiotherapy in Edmonton, often referred to as rehabilitation, is a proactive approach to surgery preparation that offers a wide range of benefits. It helps patients optimize their physical condition before surgery, enhancing surgical outcomes, speeding up recovery, and reducing the risk of complications. Whether you’re facing orthopedic, cardiac, cancer, or abdominal surgery, pre-surgical physiotherapy can be a valuable tool in your healthcare arsenal. If you or a loved one are considering surgery, consider discussing the benefits of rehabilitation with your healthcare provider and a qualified physiotherapist to ensure the best possible surgical experience and outcome. Remember, investing in your health before surgery can set you on the path to a smoother and more successful recovery.

Looking for a pre surgical physiotherapy in Edmonton?
Call us at 7804409003 or schedule an appointment to know more about pre surgical physiotherapy. Your well-being is our priority, and we’re excited to join you on the path to a more active life.

Causes of Sports Injuries and the Healing Touch of Physiotherapy

Posted on August 13th, 2023

Sports Injuries Physio in Edmonton

Sports injuries are an inevitable part of an athlete’s journey, whether you’re a seasoned pro or someone who enjoys sports recreationally. The pain, frustration, and uncertainty that come with an injury can be overwhelming, but there is hope on the horizon. Physiotherapy, a field that specializes in the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries, plays a pivotal role in helping athletes recover and return to peak performance. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of sports injuries, from their types and causes to their prevention and, most importantly, how physiotherapy can be the key to your recovery.

Section 1: Unpacking Sports Injuries

Sports injuries can manifest in various ways, each with its unique set of challenges and demands for recovery. Here are some common types:

Sprains and Strains: These soft tissue injuries often result from sudden movements or overexertion, affecting ligaments (sprains) or muscles and tendons (strains).
Fractures and Dislocations: More severe injuries that involve bone damage and joint dislocation, requiring medical attention and rehabilitation.
Tendon Injuries: Conditions like tendinitis and tendinosis affect the tendons connecting muscles to bones, often resulting from overuse.
Overuse Injuries: These occur due to repetitive movements or excessive training, leading to conditions such as stress fractures and tennis elbow.

Section 2: Common Causes of Sports Injuries
Understanding why and how sports injuries occur is vital for both prevention and effective treatment. Here are some key causes:

Poor Conditioning: Inadequate physical fitness or conditioning is a significant contributor to sports injuries. Athletes who are not adequately conditioned for their sport may experience muscle fatigue, reduced strength, and impaired coordination, increasing the risk of injury.

Inadequate Warm-Up and Stretching: Skipping or inadequately performing warm-up exercises before engaging in physical activity can leave muscles and joints unprepared for the demands of sports. Without proper warm-up and stretching, the risk of muscle strains and other injuries increases.

Technique Errors: Incorrect form or technique during sports activities can strain the body and lead to injuries. Athletes who do not receive proper coaching or fail to maintain proper form may be at a higher risk of injury.

Overtraining: Pushing the body beyond its limits without sufficient rest and recovery is a common cause of overuse injuries. Overtraining can lead to stress fractures, tendinitis, and other chronic conditions, as the body does not have enough time to repair itself.

Contact and Collisions: In contact sports like football, rugby, and martial arts, collisions with opponents are an inherent risk. These can result in a wide range of injuries, including concussions, fractures, and soft tissue injuries.

Environmental Factors: Environmental conditions, such as extreme heat, cold, or poor playing surfaces, can contribute to sports injuries. Slippery or uneven terrain, for example, increases the risk of falls and sprains.

Equipment Issues: The use of faulty or ill-fitting sports equipment, including footwear, helmets, or protective gear, can lead to injuries. Worn-out or improperly maintained equipment can fail to provide adequate support or protection.

Inadequate Rest and Recovery: Rest is crucial for allowing the body to recover from the physical stress of sports. Inadequate rest can lead to fatigue, weakened muscles, and an increased risk of injury.

Dehydration and Nutrition: Poor hydration and inadequate nutrition can impair an athlete’s physical and cognitive functions, increasing the risk of cramps, heat-related illnesses, and decreased performance.

Preexisting Conditions: Some athletes may have preexisting medical conditions or previous injuries that make them more susceptible to certain types of sports injuries. It is essential to consider these factors when engaging in sports activities.

Overconfidence and Competitive Pressure: Athletes who push themselves too hard or feel pressured to perform at their absolute best may take unnecessary risks, increasing the likelihood of injury.

Inadequate Recovery Strategies: Failing to implement proper recovery strategies, such as post-game or post-training stretching, ice baths, or massage therapy, can lead to muscle stiffness and increased susceptibility to injuries in subsequent sessions.

Lack of Protective Gear: In sports where protective gear is required, such as cycling helmets or shin guards in soccer, failure to use appropriate protective equipment increases the risk of injury.

Section 3: The Healing Power of  Sports Injuries Physio in Edmonton:

Initial Assessment and Diagnosis:

Highly trained physiotherapists are skilled at conducting thorough assessments to accurately diagnose injuries. They create personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific injury and needs.

Pain Management:

Physiotherapy offers various methods for pain management, including manual therapy, electrotherapy, and acupuncture. By addressing pain effectively, physiotherapy can often reduce the need for pain-relieving medications.

Restoring Range of Motion:

Regaining joint and muscle mobility is crucial for recovery. Physiotherapists use techniques like stretching, joint mobilization, and proprioceptive exercises to help restore your range of motion.

Strength and Conditioning:

Progressive strength training is a cornerstone of rehabilitation. Physiotherapists design safe and effective strength and conditioning programs to help rebuild muscle strength and endurance.

Functional Rehabilitation:

To prepare you for a safe return to your sport, physiotherapists focus on functional exercises that mimic the demands of your specific activity. Comprehensive rehabilitation aims to minimize the risk of future injuries.


In the world of sports, injuries are an unfortunate reality, but they don’t have to be the end of your journey. Physiotherapy offers a path to recovery, helping you rebuild and return to peak performance. By understanding the types and causes of sports injuries and recognizing the vital role physiotherapy plays in the healing process, you can embrace the remarkable capacity of your body to heal and thrive in the face of adversity. Whether you’re an athlete or simply someone interested in the world of sports and medicine, remember that physiotherapy can be your guiding light on the road to recovery and peak performance. It’s the bridge that can turn your setback into a remarkable comeback.

Looking for a Sports Injuries Physio in Edmonton?

Call us at 7804409003 or schedule an appointment to know more about how we treat sports injury. Your well-being is our priority, and we’re excited to join you on the path to a more active life.

Sports Injuries Physio in Edmonton 

6 Effective Tips to Relieve Shoulder Pain and Promote Healing

Posted on July 5th, 2023

Shoulder pain Physiotherapy in Edmonton

Shoulder pain can significantly impact your daily activities and quality of life. Whether it stems from an injury, overuse, or muscle tension, finding relief is essential for your overall well-being. In this blog, we will discuss six effective tips to help alleviate shoulder pain and promote healing. These tips encompass self-care practices, exercises, and lifestyle adjustments that can make a remarkable difference in reducing discomfort and restoring shoulder function. By implementing these strategies, you can take proactive steps towards relieving shoulder pain and reclaiming your mobility and comfort.

Benefits of Shoulder pain Physiotherapy in Edmonton:

Rest and Protect the Shoulder:
One of the first steps in relieving shoulder pain is giving the affected area sufficient rest. Avoid activities that exacerbate the pain or strain the shoulder, especially those involving repetitive movements or heavy lifting. While rest is crucial, it’s important to strike a balance by maintaining gentle movement to prevent stiffness. Consider immobilizing the shoulder with a brace or sling, if recommended by a healthcare professional, to protect the area and promote healing.

Apply Cold or Heat Therapy:
Cold and heat therapy can be effective in reducing shoulder pain and inflammation. In the acute phase of an injury or when experiencing swelling, applying a cold pack wrapped in a thin cloth to the affected area for 15-20 minutes several times a day can help numb the pain and reduce inflammation. Conversely, if the pain is due to muscle tension or chronic conditions, applying heat, such as a warm towel or a heat pack, can help relax the muscles, increase blood flow, and alleviate discomfort.

Perform Gentle Shoulder Exercises:
Engaging in gentle shoulder exercises can help alleviate pain and improve shoulder mobility. However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified physiotherapist before attempting any exercises to ensure they are suitable for your specific condition. Some recommended exercises include:

Pendulum swings: Stand next to a stable surface and let your arm hang down. Gently swing your arm forward and backward, side to side, and in circular motions. Start with small movements and gradually increase the range of motion.

Shoulder rolls: Sit or stand with your shoulders relaxed. Roll your shoulders forward, then upward, backward, and downward in a slow and controlled manner. Repeat this exercise several times.

Wall crawls: Stand facing a wall with your fingertips touching the wall at waist height. Slowly crawl your fingers up the wall as far as comfortable, then slide them back down. Repeat this movement several times.

Remember to start with low-intensity exercises and gradually increase the intensity and range of motion as your pain subsides and mobility improves.

Improve Posture and Ergonomics:
Poor posture and ergonomics can contribute to shoulder pain. Ensure proper alignment of the shoulders by sitting and standing tall with your shoulders relaxed and pulled back. Avoid hunching forward or slouching. When working at a desk or using electronic devices, maintain an ergonomic setup by adjusting the height of your chair, desk, and computer screen to maintain a neutral shoulder position. Use an ergonomic keyboard and mouse, and take frequent breaks to stretch and change positions.

 Modify Daily Activities:
Assess your daily activities and identify any repetitive or strenuous movements that may be contributing to shoulder pain. Modify these activities by breaking them into smaller, manageable tasks, using proper lifting techniques, or utilizing assistive devices to reduce strain on the shoulders. Avoid carrying heavy bags on one shoulder and distribute weight evenly between both sides. Additionally, consider using supportive pillows or sleeping on your back or on the opposite side to minimize pressure on the affected shoulder.

Seek Professional Help:
If shoulder pain persists or worsens despite self-care measures, it’s crucial to seek professional help. A healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist or orthopedic specialist, can assess your condition, provide an accurate diagnosis, and recommend appropriate treatment options. They may suggest additional therapies, such as manual therapy, ultrasound, or electrotherapy, to complement your recovery.

Furthermore, they can create a personalized exercise program tailored to your specific needs, gradually increasing intensity and difficulty as your shoulder heals. They can also provide guidance on proper techniques for exercises and activities to prevent further injury.


Shoulder pain can be debilitating and affect your daily activities. However, by implementing these six effective tips – resting and protecting the shoulder, applying cold or heat therapy, performing gentle shoulder exercises, improving posture and ergonomics, modifying daily activities, and seeking professional help when needed – you can effectively relieve shoulder pain and promote healing. Remember, it’s essential to listen to your body, take breaks when needed, and consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive assessment and guidance on the best course of treatment. With patience, consistent effort, and appropriate care, you can find relief from shoulder pain and regain your mobility and comfort.

Shoulder pain Physiotherapy in Edmonton | Shoulder pain Physiotherapy in Edmonton | Shoulder pain Physiotherapy in Edmonton

Work-Related Injury: Harnessing the Benefits of Physiotherapy for Recovery

Posted on June 5th, 2023

Work-Related injury in Edmonton

Benefits of Work-Related injury in Edmonton

Work-related injuries can have a significant impact on an individual’s physical and mental well-being, as well as their ability to perform their job effectively. However, with the help of physiotherapy, those who have experienced work-related injuries can find a path to recovery, regain functionality, and return to work with confidence. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of physiotherapy in the context of work-related injuries. By understanding how physiotherapy plays a vital role in rehabilitation and injury prevention, individuals can make informed decisions about their treatment options and ensure a successful recovery process.

I. Understanding Work-Related Injuries. Work-related injuries encompass a wide range of physical conditions that occur as a result of employment activities. These injuries can affect various parts of the body, including the musculoskeletal system, joints, soft tissues, and more. Common work-related injuries include:

  1. Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs): These include conditions like strains, sprains, tendonitis, and repetitive motion injuries, often caused by overexertion, poor ergonomics, or repetitive tasks.
  2. Back and Neck Pain: Prolonged sitting, heavy lifting, poor posture, or accidents can lead to debilitating back and neck pain.
  3. Cumulative Trauma Disorders: Conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, or tennis elbow develop gradually over time due to repetitive movements or sustained pressure on specific body parts.

II. Role of Physiotherapy in Work-Related Injury Rehabilitation. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation process following work-related injuries. It focuses on restoring mobility, reducing pain, improving strength, and optimizing functionality. The benefits of physiotherapy in this context include:

  1. Pain Management: Physiotherapists employ a variety of techniques, such as manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, and modalities like heat or cold therapy, to alleviate pain caused by work-related injuries.
  2. Restoring Functionality and Range of Motion: Through targeted exercises and stretches, physiotherapy helps individuals regain their range of motion, flexibility, and strength, enabling them to perform work-related tasks more effectively.
  3. Work Conditioning and Work Hardening Programs: Physiotherapists can design specialized programs to gradually prepare individuals to return to their specific job demands. These programs focus on improving endurance, stamina, and functional abilities.
  4. Ergonomic Assessments and Education: Physiotherapists evaluate the workplace environment, identify ergonomic issues, and provide recommendations to prevent further injuries. They also educate individuals on proper body mechanics and ergonomics to reduce the risk of future injuries.

III. Injury Prevention and Workplace Education. In addition to rehabilitation, physiotherapy plays a vital role in preventing work-related injuries. Physiotherapists can contribute to workplace education initiatives by:

  1. Ergonomic Training: Physiotherapists educate employees about proper posture, body mechanics, and ergonomic principles to minimize the risk of injury while performing work tasks.
  2. Manual Handling Techniques: Physiotherapists teach safe lifting, carrying, and handling techniques to prevent strains and sprains associated with manual labor.
  3. Exercise and Strengthening Programs: Physiotherapists design customized exercise programs that target areas prone to injury, strengthening muscles and improving overall fitness to minimize the risk of work-related injuries.

IV. The Holistic Approach of Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy embraces a holistic approach to treating work-related injuries. It considers not only the physical aspects of the injury but also the mental and emotional well-being of the individual. The holistic benefits of physiotherapy include:

  1. Mental Health Support: Work-related injuries can often lead to feelings of frustration, stress, and anxiety. Physiotherapists provide emotional support and guidance throughout the recovery process, promoting mental well-being and helping individuals cope with the challenges they may face.
  2. Patient Education and Empowerment: Physiotherapists empower individuals by providing them with knowledge about their condition, injury prevention strategies, and self-management techniques. This education equips individuals with the tools to take an active role in their recovery and reduce the likelihood of future injuries.
  3. Rehabilitation Support: Physiotherapists work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, such as occupational therapists, physicians, and psychologists, to ensure a comprehensive and integrated approach to rehabilitation. This multi-disciplinary approach addresses the diverse needs of individuals, enhancing the effectiveness of treatment and promoting overall well-being.

Work-related injuries can have a significant impact on individuals’ lives, affecting their physical health, job performance, and overall well-being. However, with the assistance of physiotherapy, individuals can effectively recover from these injuries, regain functionality, and prevent future occurrences. Physiotherapy offers a wide range of benefits, including pain management, restoration of functionality, injury prevention, and a holistic approach to rehabilitation. By seeking physiotherapy treatment, individuals can receive personalized care, guidance, and support to navigate the challenges of work-related injuries successfully. Remember, prioritizing your health and seeking the assistance of a qualified physiotherapist can make a remarkable difference in your recovery journey and help you return to work with confidence and improved overall well-being.

Take the first step towards your healing journey by contacting Millwood Physio in Edmonton today. Experience their commitment to your health and witness the transformative impact of physiotherapy on your well-being.

Contact Millwood Physio in Edmonton: 📞 Phone: 780) 440-9003 🌐 Website:

Work-Related injury in Edmonton | Work-Related injury in Edmonton | Work-Related injury in Edmonton


Understanding Dizziness and Vertigo: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Posted on May 5th, 2023

Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in Edmonton

Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in Edmonton Introduction:
Dizziness and vertigo are common sensations that can significantly impact a person’s daily life and well-being. Many individuals experience these symptoms at some point, but understanding their causes and available treatment options is crucial for effective management. In this blog, we will delve into the world of dizziness and vertigo, exploring their definitions, underlying causes, associated symptoms, and various treatment approaches. By gaining knowledge about these conditions, individuals can seek appropriate medical attention and take steps towards alleviating their symptoms for a better quality of life.

I. What is Dizziness?
Dizziness is a general term used to describe sensations of lightheadedness, unsteadiness, or a spinning feeling. It is important to differentiate between dizziness and vertigo. Dizziness often encompasses various sensations, while vertigo specifically refers to a false sense of spinning or rotational movement. Dizziness can arise from numerous factors, including:

Inner Ear Disorders: Conditions such as Meniere’s disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), and vestibular neuritis can lead to dizziness and vertigo.

Medications: Certain medications, such as those used to treat high blood pressure or anxiety, may have dizziness as a side effect.

Low Blood Pressure: A sudden drop in blood pressure, known as orthostatic hypotension, can cause dizziness, especially upon standing up quickly.

II. Understanding Vertigo
Vertigo, as mentioned earlier, is characterized by a false sense of spinning or movement. It is often associated with inner ear disorders and can significantly disrupt daily activities. The most common causes of vertigo include:

BPPV: This condition occurs when small calcium crystals in the inner ear become dislodged and disrupt the normal balance of the vestibular system.

Meniere’s Disease: A chronic disorder affecting the inner ear, Meniere’s disease presents with episodes of vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and a feeling of fullness in the affected ear.

Vestibular Migraine: Migraine headaches can sometimes manifest as vertigo or dizziness, accompanied by other typical migraine symptoms.

III. Symptoms and Impact on Daily Life
Dizziness and vertigo can cause a range of symptoms that vary in severity and duration. Along with the primary sensations of spinning or unsteadiness, individuals may experience:

Nausea and Vomiting: The false sense of motion can lead to feelings of queasiness and may result in vomiting.

Balance Problems: Dizziness and vertigo can affect one’s balance, leading to an increased risk of falls and difficulty with activities such as walking or driving.

Anxiety and Depression: Living with chronic dizziness or recurrent vertigo episodes can take a toll on an individual’s mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, or social isolation.

Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in Edmonton

Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in Edmonton

IV. Diagnosis and Treatment Options
Diagnosing the underlying cause of dizziness and vertigo requires a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional. This may involve a detailed medical history, physical examination, and specialized tests, including:

Dix-Hallpike Maneuver: Used to diagnose BPPV, this test involves specific head and body movements to induce vertigo and assess eye movements.

Audiometry: Hearing tests may be conducted to evaluate the functioning of the auditory system and identify any associated hearing loss.

MRI or CT Scan: These imaging tests may be recommended to rule out structural abnormalities or detect underlying causes.

Once a diagnosis is established, appropriate treatment options can be explored, which may include:

Canalith Repositioning Procedures: For BPPV, canalith repositioning procedures like the Epley maneuver or Semont maneuver can be performed to guide the dislodged calcium crystals back to their proper position within the inner ear.

Medications: Depending on the underlying cause, medications may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms. These can include anti-vertigo medications, anti-nausea drugs, or migraine medications in the case of vestibular migraines.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT): VRT is a specialized form of physical therapy that aims to improve balance and reduce dizziness symptoms. It involves exercises and maneuvers that promote central nervous system compensation and adaptability.

Lifestyle Modifications: Certain lifestyle changes can help manage dizziness and vertigo symptoms. These can include avoiding triggers such as bright lights or certain foods, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, staying hydrated, and practicing stress-reduction techniques.

Surgical Interventions: In rare cases where conservative treatments fail, surgical interventions may be considered. These can include procedures to decompress the inner ear or correct structural abnormalities.

Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in Edmonton can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, but with proper understanding and treatment, their effects can be managed effectively. If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms, seeking medical attention is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. By working closely with healthcare professionals and exploring the various treatment options available, individuals can regain control of their lives, reduce symptoms, and improve their overall well-being. Remember, everyone’s experience with dizziness and vertigo is unique, and tailored approaches are necessary to address each individual’s specific needs.

Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in Edmonton | Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in Edmonton 

Get Back on Your Feet: How Custom Foot Orthotics Can Improve Your Foot Function and Reduce Pain

Posted on April 21st, 2023

Custom foot orthotics Treatment in Edmonton

As physiotherapists, we often see patients with foot and ankle problems. One treatment option we may recommend is custom foot orthotics. In this blog post, we will discuss what custom foot orthotics are, who can benefit from them, and what the process of getting custom foot orthotics entails.

What are custom foot orthotics?

Custom foot orthotics are inserts that are placed inside the shoes to support and correct the feet’s alignment. They are designed to fit the unique shape of the foot and provide support where it is needed most. They are made from materials such as foam, plastic, or graphite and can be customized to fit a wide range of foot sizes and shapes.

Who can benefit from Custom foot orthotics Treatment in Edmonton?

Custom foot orthotics can be helpful for a variety of foot and ankle conditions. These conditions include:

Flat feet: When the arch of the foot collapses, causing the entire foot to make contact with the ground.
Plantar fasciitis: When the tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes becomes inflamed.
Achilles tendonitis: When the Achilles tendon becomes inflamed.
Metatarsalgia: When there is pain in the ball of the foot.
Custom foot orthotics can also be helpful for people who spend a lot of time on their feet, such as athletes or people who work in jobs that require standing for long periods.

What is the process of getting custom foot orthotics?

The process of getting custom foot orthotics typically involves a consultation with a physiotherapist or podiatrist. During this consultation, the specialist will examine your feet and assess your gait to determine the areas where you need support.

Next, the specialist will take a mold of your feet, which will be used to create the custom orthotics. The mold is usually made using a foam impression box or a computer-aided design system. The orthotics will be manufactured in a laboratory and then sent back to the specialist for fitting.

Once the orthotics are ready, you will return to the specialist for a fitting. They will make sure that the orthotics fit properly and provide the support you need. They may also make adjustments to the orthotics to ensure maximum comfort and effectiveness.


Custom foot orthotics can be a helpful treatment option for a wide range of foot and ankle conditions. They provide support where it is needed most and can help to improve your overall foot function and reduce pain and discomfort. If you are experiencing foot or ankle problems, it is important to consult with a physiotherapist or podiatrist to determine if custom foot orthotics may be a helpful treatment option for you. At Millwood Physio Edmonton, our team of experienced physiotherapists can help you get the relief you need.

Custom foot orthotics Treatment in Edmonton | Custom foot orthotics Treatment in Edmonton | Custom foot orthotics Treatment in Edmonton

Why Physiotherapy is important for you all?

Posted on March 10th, 2023

Physiotherapy is important:

Physiotherapy is a branch of healthcare that focuses on restoring and maintaining physical function, reducing pain, and improving quality of life through exercise, manual therapy, education, and advice. It is a crucial part of modern medicine, and its importance cannot be overstated. In this blog, we will explore the many reasons why physiotherapy is essential.

Pain Relief

One of the most significant benefits of physiotherapy is pain relief. Whether it’s chronic pain due to a medical condition or injury-related pain, physiotherapists can help alleviate pain through a range of techniques, such as massage, stretching, and strengthening exercises.

Improved Mobility and Flexibility

Physiotherapy can help improve mobility and flexibility, which is crucial for people who have suffered from injuries or have chronic conditions that affect their movement. Physiotherapists can design exercise programs tailored to each patient’s specific needs, helping them achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.

Faster Recovery from Injuries

Physiotherapy can help speed up the recovery process after an injury. By providing exercises and manual therapy techniques, physiotherapists can help the injured body part regain strength and function, allowing patients to return to their daily activities as soon as possible.

Prevention of Future Injuries

Physiotherapy is not only helpful in treating injuries, but it can also prevent them from occurring. By identifying areas of weakness, physiotherapists can provide exercise programs to strengthen those areas, reducing the risk of future injuries.

Management of Chronic Conditions

Physiotherapy can help manage chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease. By providing patients with exercise programs and education on managing their condition, physiotherapists can improve their quality of life and reduce the risk of complications.

Improved Mental Health

Physiotherapy can also have a positive impact on mental health. Exercise has been shown to release endorphins, which can improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety. By providing patients with exercise programs, physiotherapists can help improve their mental health and overall wellbeing.

Complementary to Other Treatments

Physiotherapy can be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as medication or surgery. By working with other healthcare professionals, physiotherapists can provide a holistic approach to patient care, addressing the physical and mental aspects of health.

In conclusion, physiotherapy is a vital part of modern healthcare. From pain relief to improving mobility and flexibility, it offers a range of benefits that can improve patients’ quality of life. It is an essential component of injury recovery, chronic condition management, and mental health care. Physiotherapy is a non-invasive and drug-free treatment option, making it a safe and effective choice for many people.

Call us at 780-440-9003 or book an appointment if you want to live a pain free life.

How can Acupuncture Therapy help you live a Healthy, Painless Life?

Posted on January 17th, 2023

Acupuncture therapy in Edmonton

Acupuncture is inserting thin needles at different spots of the human body at strategic points and at varying depths to stimulate sensory nerves in the skin and muscles. The goal of Acupuncture is to treat pain and balance the forces of life that cause health concerns.

Disorders Clinical Acupuncture Treat

The primary focus of Acupuncture is to cure pain and discomfort caused by health issues such as

-> Dental pain

-> Fibromyalgia

-> Headaches

-> Pain and discomfort due to Chemotherapy

-> Neck pain

-> Lower back pain

-> Osteoarthritis

-> Labor pain

-> Tennis elbow

-> Menstrual cramps

-> Insomnia

How will it help you?

To understand the process of clinical Acupuncture, we have to trace its root back to ancient China. The Chinese believed in a life force that flows through meridians or channels through the body. These energy channels are stimulated by inserting thin needles through 361 acupuncture points in the human body. Appropriate insertion of needles can render the desired balance for leading a healthy life.

Scientific studies have proved that most acupuncture points were at certain areas of the body that can affect the activity of multiple sensory neurons. These spots in the human body are also known as receptive fields.

Thus, inserting needles in a specific manner through these receptive fields can affect muscle pain and increase blood circulation in the affected body areas.

Moreover, Acupuncture has proved beneficial for those suffering from chronic pain and provides long-term pain relief.

Different types of Acupuncture therapy in Edmonton:

There are different types of Acupuncture involving different methodologies providing respite to different kinds of pain and discomfort. They are

  1. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
  2. Japanese Acupuncture
  3. Korean Hand Therapy
  4. Scalp Acupuncture
  5. Moxibustion Acupuncture
  6. Cupping Acupuncture
  7. Electroacupuncture

What is an Acupuncture Therapy session like?

The first phase of the treatment will involve a complete assessment of your health and medical records. Acupuncture therapists at Millwoods Physical Therapy Centre follow this standard practice to give the best Acupuncture therapy.

During the therapy, you will be asked to sit or lie down. The therapist will use a one-time usable, disposable, and sterile needle. This standard practice is also followed by therapists at our centre. We recommend that you ensure that this practice is followed by your therapist.

You may feel a slight sting on inserting the needle and experience an ache at the base of the needle.

Ideally, the needles will remain inserted for around 20-60 minutes, depending on your condition and the severity of pain or discomfort.

Your therapist can also apply heat to the needles after insertion.

The number of acupuncture sessions you require will depend on your condition. If you are suffering from chronic pain, you will need 1-2 sessions per week for 3-6 months. However, your acute pain can be resolved after 8-12 sessions.

Bottom Line

Acupuncture is a complementary treatment, so before you start seeing an acupuncturist, we recommend you consult your physician for appropriate treatment.

Acupuncture has proved to be very effective in treating chronic pain with little to no side effects.

If your life has become a nightmare because of severe pain and discomfort, consult with licensed Acupuncturists at Millwood Physical Therapy Centre.

Acupuncture therapy in Edmonton | Acupuncture therapy in Edmonton

Effective Non-invasive Methods of Physiotherapy for Low Back Pain Treatment

Posted on December 27th, 2022

Low Back Pain Treatment in Edmonton

Low Back Pain or LBP is a medical condition that effects thousands of people regardless of demographic boundaries. Although highly debilitating and tiresome, it is also highly treatable; people suffering from LBP see long-term pain relief more often than not. Some common alternative ways of treating lower back pain are osteopathy, physiotherapy, and chiropractic. In this write-up, we shall focus specifically on non-invasive physical therapy or physiotherapy methods.

1. Lifestyle Changes (sleep, diet, exercise)

Your daily routine is highly suggestive of how you treat your body and as such lays the foundation of your health-status. The established norms of getting 8 hours of sleep, maintaining a healthy diet full of vegetables and fruits, and exercising, even if it is just stretching or running, are extremely important to fulfil as they ensure that the basic needs of our body are met and our cells can regenerate the way they are meant to.

2. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a Chinese tradition of natural medicine which involves the penetration of the recipient’s skin at certain strategic points known as ‘acupoints’ to relieve neuromuscular pain, using hair-thin, solid, steel needles. An average acupuncture session lasts for around 20 minutes and around 5 sessions are generally recommended. The authentic concept behind acupuncture relies on the redirection of the body’s energy or qi.

However, treatments are specialized and tailor-made to fit the patient’s health requirements. The goal is to act on “trigger points” which restore balance to the Central Nervous System. The most common apprehension noticed in patients who want to try acupuncture is the fear of pain. However, you would be reassured to know that the prickling sensation felt during needle insertion is negligibly painful and lesser than even normal injection needles.


Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation or TENS is a palm-held device used in physiotherapy which sends out electrical pulses to the area of the body that it’s attached to. It relieves the symptoms of pain by sparking the body’s natural defense mechanisms to pain such as the pain gate mechanism or opioid system. The electrical stimulation is done with varying intensities of voltage and duration, from mild to moderate and 5-30 minutes respectively.

4. Therapeutic Ultrasound

As opposed to electrical energy, ultrasound, as the name suggests, uses sound waves to help alleviate chronic LBP in the lumbosacral region. It differs from TENS only slightly in terms of its goal; while TENS targets pain receptors, ultrasound aims to increase blood circulation to facilitate pain relief. While you will definitely feel much better after your first ultrasound session, it takes around 3-4 sessions for the effectiveness of the treatment to be entirely apparent.

5. Exercises

Exercises are probably the most important part of your low back pain treatment in Edmonton plan that will aid in musculoskeletal adjustments. Your physiotherapist may give you a set of exercises to do diligently, varying from stretches, holds, and rotations to exercises that involve the usage of specialized equipment. Depending upon the particular kind of pain that you face, you may not be able to do certain exercises due to restricted motion; however, the physiotherapy expert guiding you shall be able to work around that.

These are few of the most commonly used methods of dealing with LBP, however, you should always consult a trained physiotherapist before embarking on any method of treatment. If you would like to try low back pain treatment in Edmonton, reach out to us at Millwoods Physical Therapy Centre for a customized treatment plan created by professional healthcare providers.

low back pain treatment in Edmonton | low back pain treatment in Edmonton