Start Recovering With Physiotherapy Today
Call (780) – 440 – 9003 for tele-appointment or click here for online appointment.
Are you or your close ones suffering from post-surgical trauma, immobility and stiffness? Millwoods Physical therapy Centre has got you covered with their Post Surgical Rehab in Edmonton, which can improve your strength and minimize trauma & stiffness.
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation is a type of physiotherapy that is carried out after a patient has gone through orthopaedic or Uro-Gynaecological surgery.
Post-surgical rehabilitation in Edmonton involves certain exercises and stretches to reduce or negate the adverse effects post-surgery in Edmonton. These exercises specifically target particular body parts that are affected due to a fracture or surgery, such as Hips, Knees, Spine and Shoulder.
If you are tired of suffering from post-surgical in Edmonton complications, you must consider consulting with our physiotherapists at Millwoods Physical Therapy Centre. Our registered physiotherapists offer physiotherapy treatment plans after assessing your requirements. In other words, our physiotherapists cater to your needs and thus prepare a treatment plan to suit your requirements.
Don’t delay and enroll into Millwood’s professional Physiotherapy plans for effective recovery.
Call (780) – 440 – 9003 for tele-appointment or click here for online appointment.
Phone Number: (780) 440-9003
Fax : (780) 466-9058
Phone Number: (780) 710-4950
Fax : (780) 710-4951
Phone Number: (780) 250-4950
Fax : (780) 250-4951