Put An End To Your Suffering, Join Work Faster With Work-related Injury Therapy in Edmonton

Workplace injuries hinder the way we function daily. Stop suffering and take charge with Millwoods Physical Therapy Centre by your side.

Get back on your feet in no time with the assistance of our certified professionals, who carve out custom plans for your recovery.

Work-related Injury Therapy in Edmonton

Some Commonly Occurring Work-related Injury Therapy

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Occurs when the median nerve of the wrist compresses due to repeated and constant movement

Tedonitis – Occurs from overuse and constant movement of a specific part of the body

Auto Accidents – Abrasions and mild cuts to severe accident injuries that occur with the company vehicle accident

Sprains & Strains – Occurs when repeated movements, falling off the ladder and other such traumas affect the ligaments & tendons

Back Pain – The most commonly occurring pain that is caused by several triggering factors at work like prolonged inactivity or bad sitting posture, moving heavy items manually and so on.

Physiotherapy – A Safe & Effective Alternative

Rule out the inclusion of potentially dangerous drugs and steroids from your recovery journey and strive for the effective treatment of Physiotherapy that increases mobility and restores power for a relaxed life.

Work-related Injury Therapy in Edmonton

Start Recovering With Physiotherapy Today

Call 780 440 9003 for tele-appointment or click here for online appointment.

Our Locations

4225 23 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6L 5Z8

Phone Number: (780) 440-9003
Fax : (780) 466-9058
E-mail: ptcentre7@gmail.com

8313 Chappelle Way SW
Edmonton AB T6W 4S1

Phone Number: (780) 710-4950
Fax : (780) 710-4951
E-mail: info@creekwoodphysio.com

2049 – 163St SW
Edmonton, AB T6W 4V5

Phone Number: (780) 250-4950
Fax : (780) 250-4951
E-mail: info@glenriddingphysio.com